Internet Cafe Division

Internet Cafe Division provides a relaxation and healing time and space.

More users enjoy Internet Cafe due to a variety of the games and their contents. Internet Cafe market has expanded rapidly and we can enjoy the Internet more easily. Recently a next generation style Internet Cafe which has an added value has been receiving attention. We also Operates Comic & Internet Cafe for members who can enjoy the comics, magazines and the complimentary drinks and foods. You can enjoy the internet games, netsurfing and videos with high quality computer appliances. We endeavor to serve privacy that can be enjoyed freely.We provide a private space, a shower booth and a comfortable room. Those spaces can also be used for business purposes and as a private office. In addition, to expand our facilities, we have developed the collaboration with the other service, such as karaoke room in 2017. In addition, to expand our facilities, we have collaborated with other services such as a Karaoke shop to create a multi service facility which opened in Kawanishi, Hyogo in 2017.

The list of operating shops

■ Blat Station
ぶらっとステーション 名神尼崎店 〒661-0012
■ Bb c@fe
Bb c@fe 新大阪店 〒532-0011
Bb c@fe 川西能勢口店 〒666-0033
兵庫県川西市栄町16-6 アクロスキューブ内3F


» Please refer to the follows for the property recruitment of Internet Cafe Division.